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IT Support Services in Berkshire

Technical support  is the phone call we all make as a last resort when using our electronic devices, such as mobile phones, tablets or software and computers. Our respective points of contact for Technical support may be bespoke to our company (as with an internal support desk) or outsourced  such as when we are contacting the provider of an off the shelf software product or website. When contacting a familiar technical support services representative they will often have an intimate understanding of our situation (perhaps even first hand from visiting us) and the call will often go straight through to someone. With a large provider we may have to endure several minutes (hours for BT) of queue music, or - even worse - adverts for their products.

i myself always measure a provider on where the ‘support’ option comes in the options queue - if it’s number one then they might be OK. If number one is ‘sales’ then I don’t like them already...