Server Security Alert [email protected] Delete Request !!! Spam Warning
This spam email has been received by some people this morning and earlier this week...
From: [[email protected]]
Sent: 17 September 2018 21:02
To: recipient
Subject: Server Security Alert: [email protected] Delete Request !!!
The actual 'cancel server deactivation' link points to:[email protected] which is a live site with a valid security certificate.
The webpage looks real enough:
The spammer page appears to just keep asking you for the password - I think it actually tries to verify thr login against your email whilst you wait - so be very careful with this site.
This is another wordpress compromised by a certain Bangladeshi hacker looking to retrieve passwords and subsequently blackmail people or steal from them. He leaves his name on the wordpress site after hacking:
Report this website as phishing.
Report the orignating email address as a spam source.
Stay Safe!!